Installation of TexMind Products
Installation Guide
1.Download the setup file and save it somewhere on your computer
2.Start the SetupPainter.exe
Optional: You may need to extract the ZIP file somewhere, if you got a zip-ed installer.
Notice: The different vesions have different names.
Notice: Windows 8 does NOT recognize the application.This application is not digitally signed (to save your money).
2a.Click „More Information“
2b.Select „Run Anyway“
3.Select Installation Language
4.Accept the License Agreement
5.Select Location
It is recommeded, that you use some location, where you have rights for writting (of temporary files for summaries)
some like C:/Texmind or D:/otherProgs/Texmind
If you select ProgrammFiles, then run the application later as administrator.
6.Select a Start Menu Folder
7.Create a desktop icon if you like
9. Ready