Table of Contents
TexMind Cicrular Weft Knitting Editor
1. Before you start
1.1 Panels
The program has four sub-panels.
It make sense first to define the machine type.
After that you can (re-) arrange the needles.
Then you can edit the cams and receive the yarn paths or vice versa.
1.2 Ways of work (automation types)
There are different options for work with the software, named as different “automation types”
- You are thinking in “Cams” and adjust these, the program then apply the cam type to the needle arrangement and generates the yarn path. For this way select the Automation type “Cam+Needle > Loops”
- You are “knitting technologist” and you are thinking in loops: Then you play with the loops and the software generate the cams for you. For this option, select “Needle + Loop > Cam”
- The Option “Off - no automation” allow you to click and change everything without connecting these events. For instance if you like to create exam for students or if you are not sure, which type of needle arrangement be required for your system
1.3 Set-up your machine
Before you start editing of pattern for circular knitting, you have to specify some parameters of the machine.
Entering any change in this settings directly changes the tables and rows for drawing, so you could lose already existing data.
The number of the tracks on the dial and cylinder can be set in the table.
The machine types include
- Plain – where only the cylinder needles are working
- RR – (“Rechts-Rechts” for both knitting on both cylinder and disk
- Interlock – where the needles are set to be each against other.
The number systems corresponds to the number of the yarn path rows at the current time. Future versions will allow additional feeders for inlay yarns between the systems.
The needles on drawing defines how many needles are shown per cylinder or dial in the drawing area
It is recommended that you keep these equal to your repeat.
If you enter the total number of needles on the machine, the software computes the remaining not used needles if the repeat is equal to the number of the needles on drawing.
For example, if the machine has 322 needles in total, and a repeat of 8 is used, two needles will remain not included in the process:
2. Needle Arrangement
The needles are arranged automatically with the machine definition. This arrangement can be changed pressing the button “KL” for the dial and “AB” for the cylinder
These buttons shows a input text dialog, where only the allowed characters are shown (KL or ABCDE . and x for switched out or removed needle):
The > button moves all needle to the right on one position.
3. Editing Cams
3.1 Cam types and Left Mouse Button
For Tracks, creating loops, click with the LEFT mouse button over the cam
Left Mouse Button → Loop
Strg + Left Mouse Button → Tuck
Schift + Left Mouse Button → Pass
Alt + Left Mouse Button → Transfer
3.2 Right Mouse Button
The right mouse button is used for activation of a pop-up menu. There the user can select if the current system has to be cleared, duplicated or deleted:
3.2 Interlock
For interlock pattern not all combinations are possible. If you try to switch on two cams in an opposite systems, where needles will crash, the program delete the selection of all cams on this system and you have to start again there. For instance, in the figure below, the program will not allow you to switch the Cam A of System 1 to set a loop or tuck there.
4. Editing loops
3.1 Left mouse button
For the loops – the same positions as for the cams remains valid:
Left Mouse Button → Loop
Strg + Left Mouse Button → Tuck
Schift + Left Mouse Button → Pass
Alt + Left Mouse Button → Transfer
In the automation type “Needle + Loop > Cam”
you do NOT need to click over all needles of the same type. It is enough to set the element type (loop, tuck, transfer, pass) of ONE needle and all other needles of the same type will receive the same elements.
Example: Selecting Loop on row 2 of Needle B automatically sets the next needle of type B to loop.
5. Export to figures
The created settings can be saved in few different file formats, pressing the button with “Photo-Camera”
After pressing it -the preview window appears.
The user can select, which elements would like to have on the drawing, edit the title, logo and number of columns and cams per row.
SVG, WMF and PDF are vector based export formats and can be used for creation and additional editing. PNG is a raster (pixel) based format and can be imported in documents as it is, or its editing is possible at pixel level (like with Paint).